PUKE (pyk)
Slang - The act of vomiting, hurling, barfing, losing lunch, tossing cookies, ralfing, throwing up, yacking, retching, technicolour yawning, spewing, blowing chunks, and/or other forms of physical illness.
Acronym - Phoenix Ultrarunning Kids & Elders. Old school long distance runners hailing from the Sonoran Desert of central Arizona. Membership requirements: Run long, but don't take it too seriously... seriously. Club symbol: Purple Monkey Dishwasher

Monday, April 16, 2007

What is P.U.K.E.?!?!?!

We are the Phoenix Ultrarunning Kids & Elders (P.U.K.E.) and we are a misfit bunch of ultrarunners who love to go the distance! Please stay tuned for information on how you can get involved with the Phoenix and Arizona ultrarunning scene.

P.U.K.E. will be hosting events in the future! Here are some of our potential ideas and ultra events:

-P.U.K.E. Havasupai 55 Kilometer Trail Run
-P.U.K.E. 6 & 12 Hour Runs (Night Run and Summer Heat Versions)
-P.U.K.E. Monument Valley 50K/50M
-P.U.K.E. Piestewa Peak Challenge (10 lap footrace)
-P.U.K.E. Camelback Mountain Challenge (10 lap footrace)
-P.U.K.E. 100M (Four 25 Mile Loops in the Tonto National Forest)

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The original PUKE ultra. FKA the Hotfoot Hamster.

The original PUKE ultra. FKA the Hotfoot Hamster.
Kachina Relief 12 hour night run. Nick, Jamil, Matt, John, Nathan

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