PUKE (pyk)
Slang - The act of vomiting, hurling, barfing, losing lunch, tossing cookies, ralfing, throwing up, yacking, retching, technicolour yawning, spewing, blowing chunks, and/or other forms of physical illness.
Acronym - Phoenix Ultrarunning Kids & Elders. Old school long distance runners hailing from the Sonoran Desert of central Arizona. Membership requirements: Run long, but don't take it too seriously... seriously. Club symbol: Purple Monkey Dishwasher

Friday, February 6, 2009

UDAM - Up and Down A Mountain

As Jamil mentioned, I have laid out the course for the 100 miler with the most elevation gain in the world. It is called the UDAM, the Up and Down A Mountain ultra. It will be a loop course, consisting of laps up and down the steepest asphalt section of A mountain above ASU in Tempe, AZ. By my preliminary estimates, it will be 8 loops per mile, or 800 loops total. The elevation gain is projected at %@*# HUGE. Since there is food and medical aid every 1/8 mile, the RD will offer no sympathy for runners.

The preliminary logo is already complete. Coincidentally, this is the only known race to contain a comprehensive and detailed corse map within the logo.

More details to follow.


Anonymous said...

Will there be an award for fastest lap? Actually there should be two awards: Fastest Lap Without Falling and Fastest Lap Period.

Personally, i'm going for the second one on my first lap, just to make sure I'm good for the rest of the race.

Jamil said...

Nick said there will be a 1/8 mile wimp out option.

The original PUKE ultra. FKA the Hotfoot Hamster.

The original PUKE ultra. FKA the Hotfoot Hamster.
Kachina Relief 12 hour night run. Nick, Jamil, Matt, John, Nathan

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