PUKE (pyk)
Slang - The act of vomiting, hurling, barfing, losing lunch, tossing cookies, ralfing, throwing up, yacking, retching, technicolour yawning, spewing, blowing chunks, and/or other forms of physical illness.
Acronym - Phoenix Ultrarunning Kids & Elders. Old school long distance runners hailing from the Sonoran Desert of central Arizona. Membership requirements: Run long, but don't take it too seriously... seriously. Club symbol: Purple Monkey Dishwasher

Monday, December 12, 2011

McDowell Road Man

The lonely figure emerges
Sometimes seen below the White Tanks
Other times a curious glance at Pass Mountain
The traveler explores a one dimensional existence

Comforted by the familiar shadow of the interstate
He watches others cross his home
Wondering how he will cross
The fissure known as the Salado

The McDowell Road Man continues on

1 comment:

james bonnett said...

Keep on running Mckdowell mountain man you inspire me to keep going the distance

The original PUKE ultra. FKA the Hotfoot Hamster.

The original PUKE ultra. FKA the Hotfoot Hamster.
Kachina Relief 12 hour night run. Nick, Jamil, Matt, John, Nathan

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