PUKE (pyk)
Slang - The act of vomiting, hurling, barfing, losing lunch, tossing cookies, ralfing, throwing up, yacking, retching, technicolour yawning, spewing, blowing chunks, and/or other forms of physical illness.
Acronym - Phoenix Ultrarunning Kids & Elders. Old school long distance runners hailing from the Sonoran Desert of central Arizona. Membership requirements: Run long, but don't take it too seriously... seriously. Club symbol: Purple Monkey Dishwasher

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Avalanche 100

In the spirit of all things difficult and nearly impossible, we are proud to announce the toughest footrace on the planet, or the race across the sky, or the race that eats its young, or probably just about the stupidest thing you can dream up in the name of toughness or insanity. This is simply the toughest damn thing we could think of. This race will blow Barkley and Nolan's 14 and Wickham Park out of the water.

We are talking:
100 Miles
116,188 feet of climbing (and same amount of descent)
Course low point of 9,318 feet
Course high point of 13,066 feet
Projected course record of 72 hours
Cutoff of 144 hours
45% grade
31 round trips to the top of Kendall Mountain
Course is a combination avalanche chute / boulder scramble

This is the Avalanche 100. Nut up or shut up. 


Anonymous said...

Definitely a PUKE-worthy race!

Are hiking poles allowed?

james bonnett said...

Skaggs didn't use poles. No poles!!!
And let me just say F*%% yeah! Im in for this one. Jamil we need more race details

The original PUKE ultra. FKA the Hotfoot Hamster.

The original PUKE ultra. FKA the Hotfoot Hamster.
Kachina Relief 12 hour night run. Nick, Jamil, Matt, John, Nathan

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